Jordan and Jenny had a lovely time at the national Aotearoa Animal Rights Conference 2013, held in Wellington this July. Join us as we relive our North Island expedition to meet other Vegans in the tofu :-)
Before the conference, we joined a animal testing petition handover at “The Beehive”, New Zealand Parliament.
Jen “Go Vegan For All The Animals” near Green party MP Mojo Mathers with the petitions.
Jen for Prime Minister!
Acronyms ahoy! Troy from HSI (Humane Society International), Jen from INVSOC (Invercargill Vegan Society) and Hans from SAFE (Save Animals From Exploitation).
Aotearoa Animal Rights Conference 2013 two day schedule.
“Speed Dating” meet and greet. Two circles were made, with the outer group rotating clockwise around after our meeting time was up! :-) Sonya from “Speak Up For Animals” gives me a thumbs up :-)
Jordan with “Go Vegan”. Jessie, Michael are doing fantastic work for Veganism in New Zealand, aided by baby Ames :-)
Philip Wollen spoke at the conference! An Australasian legend, ultra rich banker becomes Vegan advocate! Check out the “Kindness Trust” Facebook page, wow!
Jordan and Kath! Anyone who cares for Roosters is a friend of ours, and Kath cares a whole lot for a whole flock.
We got to meet Dr Annie Potts in person! A Vegan from Invercargill, Dr Potts teaches at the University of Canterbury about Other Animals.
Among her many interesting studies, she coined the term “Vegansexual” for Animal Rights advocates who were not interested in being in a relationship with non Vegan partners.
Here she is appearing on current affair show Campbell Live about her book “Chicken”.
Dr Potts was kind enough to sign our copy of her book :-)
Dr Potts also used a photo from our show “Coexisting With Nonhuman Animals”. If we knew she would use this grisly picture of taxidermy possums, we would have straightened out the “Southland Express” free newspaper! :-)
Carl Scott spoke at the Aotearoa Animal Rights Conference 2013!
An inspiration to us all, Carl spoke about his plans for future Vegan activism. You can listen to Carl’s full speech here, he was even kind enough to mention the Invercargill Vegan Society at 21m43s. Thank you very much Carl! :-)
“Horror Movie”, “Compassion is Hip, Go Vegan”, “Milk Kills”
Aunty Mena’s vegetarian cafe on Cuba Street, seems to be all Vegan :-)
Author Will Potter spoke at the conference about police surveillance and the labelling of activists as “terrorists”. Giving “Green is The New Red” the respect it deserves, Julie Gunn with her copy :-)
Separated at birth? :-)
Vegan sausages being sizzled!
A trip to “Te Papa”, the national museum on a sunny Wellington day :-)
A friendly Hare Krishna stopped us on Cuba Street. “Excuse me sir, you have a wonderful aura of peace, please, take one of these”. We know he says that to a hundred people a day, but still, a compliment is a compliment :-) He congratulated us about our Veganism. Hare Krishna are often Vegetarian as we found while visiting a local Invercargill meeting.
Wellington Vegans potluck, right before we left to fly to Auckland. It was lovely being with such a cool crowd of capital city Vegans!
Gollum at Wellington Airport :-)
Arriving in New Zealand’s largest city Auckland, we had a great time with friends and family.
“Revive” cafes, run by Seventh Day Adventists. All vegetarian, mostly Vegan.
We joined the Auckland march against “synthetic legal high” drugs being tested on animals, with a Vegan message.
Jordan and Jen marching with “Go Vegan For All The Animals, Invercargill Vegan Society” signs.
“Go Vegan” signs :-)
Visiting the University of Auckland Animal Rights Group, fundraising sausage sizzle. Well done everyone!
Signwalking around Queen Street.
We visited “One Tree Hill”, subject of a U2 song of the same name and numerous political incidents.
Great view from the top :-)
At the bottom of One Tree Hill lies a crater/basin. Seemingly all of the North Island was formed by savage volcanic action. We used light pumice like volcanic rock to spell out a “VEGAN” message visible to the people up One Tree Hill :-)
Click photos to see full size :-)
Native bush

“Go Vegan” pizza, made with “cheesy sauce” :-)
Lots of lovely Pukeko, blue/black/red “swamp hens” :-)
In New Zealand culture, the Pukeko is thought of as crafty and curious :-)
“Loving Hut” restaurant in Auckland, right by the Skytower! The Loving Hut franchise is owned and operated by “Supreme Master” believers worldwide. They are quite an interesting group, with their own international television channel and restaurants all over the place!
Tiramisu and cheesecake at “Loving Hut”. 
We visited Romina in Auckland. One of the most creative people on this planet, her artistic talent knows no limits! 
Hens, dogs, pigeons, hedgehogs….

Tui singing from a tree above :-)

We flew back home to Invercargill, having met hundreds of wonderful people in Wellington and Auckland. Thank you all so very much for your hospitality!