The “Colonial Bakery” 25A Gala Street (corner of Gala and Dee Streets) offers a variety of Vegan friendly baking. Located opposite the cenotaph war monument, it is only a couple blocks west of Queens Park.

The staff are very nice to vegan customers, simply ask what vegan baking they have when you go in. Most likely, you’ll find a variety of Chelsea Buns beckoning – pear, lemon, iced, sugar and blueberry should all be vegan :-)
About the only things not vegan, anything with dairy cheese, and the coloured yellow/pink iced buns.
All their range of specialty breads are totally animal friendly, as are their blueberry donuts (!!!). Check out the fruit logs too.
Check out the video review, as Colonial Bakery manager Brian shows us their vegan range:
Our Colonial Bakery video went viral, seen by over 4000 people :-) The Southland Times saw this, and it made the cover of “the eye” newspaper! “Veganism grows in Southland”
” At the end of January the Invercargill Vegan Society made a short video promoting the bakery’s vegan products and uploaded it on Facebook. Since the the video went online, they had been inundated with vegan customers…”
Blueberry and Sugar Chelsea Buns from the Colonial Bakery, $2.50 each
We love them so much, we even gave them a World Vegan Day 2016 award!