The Invercargill Vegan Society is always proud to celebrate 1st November World Vegan Day. Our 2013 events were bigger than ever!
From strength to strength, we improved upon last World Vegan Days extravaganza. Our posters went up across the city, we gave away baking, chocolate soymilk, thank you cards and tofu sausages to butchers :-) We had an article published in The Southland Times newspaper and appeared on CUE TV!
Our friend Ashlee has cycled across New Zealand. He briefly stayed at INVSOC HQ, and was glad to pose next to a World Vegan Day poster :-)
Click to see photos of our October INVSOC Potluck, includes photos from Ashlee’s cycle trip across New Zealand
Geiger Hen checks out the 1st November edition of The Southland Times.
We had a phone interview with reporter Brittany, and met up with her in person on World Vegan Day :-)
Bakers of INVSOC unite! Jordan made banana chocolate chip muffins while Kerri whipped up fantastic gingerbread and lemon cupcakes.
The Invercargill Vegan Society street team delivered the goods throughout the central city. Jordan, Jen, Steph, Erin and her daughters, we had a great time. We hope we’ve made “Team Vegan” proud :-)
The Invercargill Vegan Society street team delivered the goods throughout the central city.

Rewiri was interested in finding out about Veganism in Invercargill. He saw us in Wachner Place and we had a great conversation about animals :-)
It’s always fun giving out vegan baking and chocolate soymilk…..but we also opened Pandora’s Box and released Project Mayhem! In the spirit of World Vegan Day 2012 , we decided everyone deserves to celebrate Veganism on World Vegan Day….. so we gave tofu to butchers! We stopped by local Invercargill butcheries with Sanitarium, Bean Supreme and Tonzu vegan sausages :-)
We visited different butchers from last year (just in case they were prepared to “Carrie” us with pigs blood! See our Southland Times article). “Mighty Meats” mascot seems to take the Micky out of cartoon hero mice. Notice how their “home processing” (homekill) truck features happy smiling herbivores being led to their deaths by a grinning superhero mouse!
Likewise with “the singing butcher”
We gave vegan sausages to three local butchers for World Vegan Day 2013. Will they go Vegan anytime soon? Who knows! It worked for butcher come animal-rights-philosopher Tom Regan and Mike Nunn!
We also gave Thank You cards to local businesses who had supported Veganism and the animals. It’s always lovely to find friendly staff, and wanted to thank them sincerely on behalf of their Vegan customers.
Bombay Palace are always positive to Vegans ordering (“…it’s a great thing you’re doing…”), Venture Southland are investing in Southland made Oat Milk and the Colonial Bakery have superb Vegan friendly Cherry and Apricot buns. We also gave cards to VetSouth for helping our Hen Friends and The Dentist on Kelvin for always being friendly :-)
The INVSOC World Vegan Day street team gave “Animal Skin Tanning Services” a soft toy. We added a note saying “I’m the best kind of “stuffed animal”, Happy World Vegan Day!” :-)
A brilliant day for Vegan conversations and celebration :-)
We met Southland Times reporter Brittany on Esk Street. She spoke with Jen and Steph for a follow up report about our World Vegan Day adventures.
Can you follow along with Shorthand? :-)
The finished article :-)
Chocolate soymilk and banana chocolate chip muffins are always appreciated :-)
The Invercargill Vegan Society was included on CUE TV’s “South News Today” for 1st November 2013 report :-)
We spoke with host Hunter Andrews about World Vegan Day and had a great time. Check out the full video to see our friend Nathan Surrendran from the “Love Local” fresh local produce organisation.
Jen, cameraman Aaron and CUE TV host Hunter :-)
We had a lovely World Vegan Day 2013 potluck dinner at the Invercargill Public Library.
We all brought our best recipes together for World Vegan Day
It was the 1st of November here in New Zealand, but the USA would have been stuck in the past, October 31st. Apparently they celebrate some minor holiday nobodies ever heard of?
We had two appropriately scary dishes: Katharine’s Seitan (wheat gluten) BBQ “ribs”
And Steve(2)’s horrifying bleeding finger dessert!
From everyone in the Invercargill Vegan Society, have a Happy World Vegan Day! May all your days be filled with Vegan joy, light hearted fun and Hen Friends :-)