Our April 2014 Invercargill Vegan Society potluck was amazing!
Samosa, Garlic Bread, Rice Paper wraps, African Beans, Kofta, Coleslaw, Soup, Falafel, Biscuits, Hokey Pokey and ice cream, fruit salad……
Jordan, Jen, Steph, Dan, Ruby, Kerri, Steve, Phil, Jess, George and Sharon attended. New guests Linda, Sammy and Beryl attended.
We met Linda at the free weekly Seventh Day Adventist Vegan cooking classes. Sammy and Beryl are visiting from UK. Having been “online friends” for years, it was lovely to meet Sammy in person! He volunteers at Wellington’s “Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary” with Pi the friendly magpie!
We took Sammy and Beryl to see the famous “Welcome to Invercargill, The Friendly City” sign. The Invercargill Vegan Society is proud to have a space of our own, advertising our monthly potlucks! :-)
Sammy and Amelia Hen :-)
With Nayla Hen, a hen jacket keeping her warm.
Rice paper wraps, samosa, African Beans (recipe on our website), falafel….
Garlic Bread, Soup, African Beans, Coleslaw
Coleslaw, Kofta (recipe on our website)….
Linda and Steph 
Falafel, sun-dried tomato coleslaw 
Potato casserole 
Dessert: Rice pudding cake, vanilla soy icecream with hokey pokey, fruit salad and cookies.
Hokey Pokey
Dessert :-)
Thank you everyone for a lovely April 2014 Invercargill Vegan Society potluck! Best wishes to Linda, Sammy and Beryl. Hope to see you again soon :-)