A radiologist, a stack of $4.99 pizzas and Reading Cinema employee on break walked into a bar……NO WAIT, a *potluck*! What a varied crowd of animal rights supporters :-)
We had eighteen guests this month, a few latercomers joined AFTER we’d started :-)
We decided to try out Domino’s $4.99 pizzas! We absolutely love the work Hell Pizza do, and their support of the vegan community. But with a Sinister costing ~$20, we were also keen to try a dirt cheap pizza from Dominos.
We modified their “Veg Trio” into a vegan creation, ditching the dairy. Baby Spinach, “Fresh Tomato”, Mushrooms and Oregano…..served piping hot for $4.99? We’re in!
We initially added the herb basil. But, served as a PASTE, the “Basil” used includes dairy or eggs. As we said at the potluck, it’s either something from a nipple, or something from a bird’s bum! Who the heck wants THAT on their pizza? :-)
It was great being able to afford a big ol’ STACK of pizzas like you see in the movies :-)

Not bad for $4.99! Mushroom, tomato, spinach.
Vicky and Amaya joined us with a Hell Pizza Sinister. Amaya was on her employee break from the movies. Batman V(egan society potluck) Superman: she had a vegan potluck intermission :-)
Left: Dominos $4.99 veganised “Veg Trio” vs Right: Hell’s $19.50 (with Angel Food vegan cheese) Sinister. Our vote would be with the Sinister overall, but the economical competitor did darn good too! The forces of good, VS evil :-)
Kotok spinach, bean sprout and tofu soup
Vegan Macaroni Cheese, step by step recipe on the INVSOC website :-)
A well balanced meal of roast vegetable salad, Macaroni Cheese, pizza and Indian Bhuja Mix
Chocolate cake, chocolate peanut dates and carrot cake. No animals harmed.
Rich dark chocolate cake
Decadent chocolate cookies
Thank you everyone for a great evening!