Dan’s Fruitcake recipe

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– 1KG bag of mixed fruit
– 2 cups of self raising flour
– 2 cups of boiled water
Optional: 1-2 teaspoons of Vanilla essence
1-2 teaspoons ground mixed spices
zest of 2-3 oranges
1/4 cup poppy seeds
1 Soak mixed fruit in water (& spices, zest, vanilla) for minimum 10 hours. Either overnight or soak in morning for baking at night
2 Mix in flour then poppy seeds, may need to add extra flour if mix is too runny
3 bake at 190-200c for ~35-45 minutes depending on oven and size of baking dish. The shallower the quicker. Outside should be golden.
Rest cake for a day before serving for best result.
Enjoy with your friends :-)