ALERT TO THE VEGANS OF NEW ZEALAND! Pak n Save and New World supermarkets stock vegan chocolate afghan biscuits!
Made by Baker Boys in the vegetarian capital Christchurch, they use certified sustainable palm oil, and taste AWESOME! 20 pack for just $6. They’re fantastic!
We love them so much, we even gave them a World Vegan Day 2016 award!
Pak n Save is the only Invercargill supermarket to carry All Good fair trade bananas. A wonderful product, be sure to grab them when they’re available as they sell out fast! :-)
We met the wonderful Hollie Guyton at Eco Festival 2012, promoting All Good fair trade bananas :-)
Great stuff All Good Bananas, and well done Hollie!
Pak n Save has a great range of vegan ice cream. No animals involved, dairy free ice cream in Coconut, Almond and Soymilk based varieties. We recommend Sanitarium’s So Good Vanilla (soy) range, So Good Almond…..and Little Island Coconut ice cream.
Pak n Save also has a GREAT range of vegan yoghurt! Coconut and soy based, we’ve gone from just the classic “Kingland” yoghurt, to Doctor’s Choice, Cathedral Cove Naturals, The Coconut Collective, Zenso’s………dairy free yoghurt is a booming market!
Pak n Save Invercargill also carry Angel Food’s vegan cheese: Mozzarella and Cheddar :-)
Vegan Spring Rolls in the frozen section :-) Fry or oven bake.
Pick n Mix at Pak n Save

The Pick n Mix section is great for different beans and grains!
Many common sauces and condiments are Vegan, there are no animal byproducts :-)
Try “Bit on the Side” Teriyaki sauce with mini springrolls!
Vegan muesli in the pick n mix section
From time to time interesting Vegan pamphlets turn up here in the plastic “meat magazine”/”pick n mix nuts are great!” pamphlet holder……..
A great non animal muesli from the Pick n Mix section + Soy Yoghurt….
and you’ll have yourself a heck of a great breakfast :-)
Many of “Whittakers” dark chocolate range are vegan :-)
Tofu, falafel, vegan sausages etc by the bakery. Most are vegan, just check on the back before buying :-)
Try the new Bolognese, its vegan :-) Served the traditional Inv-talian way, with elbow macaroni :-)
Contains: Tomato, tomato paste, onion, TVP, water, carrot, celery, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, herbs and spices, salt, smoked paprika, garlic, sugar, caramelised sugar, black pepper
“Naked Kitchen” soups and curries are made by Life Health Foods, makers of Lisa’s hummus, Bean Supreme tofu etc and Olive Grove falafel :-)
We like their “Thai Jungle Curry”, green packaging which is evidently popular – it was sold out!
Add rice, maybe samosa and you’ve got a meal! It’s great to see a ready made product with such high quality ingredients. Actual proper cubes of tofu and cashew nuts :-)
Health food section, just along from the tinned fruit/breakfast. Many, perhaps most of these products are vegan :-)

Vegan dairy free chocolate, muesli bars…..
Vegan WHITE chocolate. Fantastic for baking.
95 Tay Street