For our September potluck, we screened “Cowspiracy” at the Invercargill Library. A fantastic documentary, the focus is on living a vegan lifestyle to have a lesser environmental impact. Truly a future classic, we’re glad to have had several INVSOC members back the movies creation :-)
Jordan, Jen, Steph, Yolanda and Emily attended, Erin and Martin with their identical twin vegan daughters Elizabeth and Charlotte. Growing up in a vegan home, they find it absolutely abhorrent to think that people “eat animals”!
Margaret and Vaughan joined for their first INVSOC event, we all greatly enjoyed “Cowspiracy”.
“Neatloaf” makes a fantastic meatloaf-ish dish (recipe from the Revive cookbook), pasta bake, potato + chickpea curry, Pumpkin soup, salad, vegetable patties….
Dessert comprised “oat and choc berry squares” with coconut chocolate rice pudding!

Vegans dressed to impress.
Vegan “Neatloaf”, potato + chickpea curry, pasta bake.
Oat and Chocolate berry squares with Coconut Chocolate rice pudding dessert.
Invercargill Vegan Society member Clarke Vincent backed the making of “Cowspiracy”. Currently smashing out Queensland cycling records, we’re very proud to know the incredible Vincent vegan family :-)
Watching “Cowspiracy”, packed with interesting interviews, vegan statistics and a couple graphic scenes (elephants, fish and a duck being killed) The documentary truly is very well made, it gets better with each viewing.
One of the most special moments in “Cowspiracy”, visiting an idealised animal farm. The animals live on huge sections of land, the romanticised image of kind animal agriculture. But we soon learn that using Other Animals as mere property never ends nicely.
Young girl raised on farm: “Some people think that pigs are dirty and gross, but I kinda like them. They have…they know people, and they’ll be friends, and they’re nice. And they can be like your BEST friend, or like your sister, see, they know you, when you get to know them. I mean I shouldn’t be bonding, but you’ve got to have nice…”

Cowspiracy Dude: “Why shouldn’t you be bonding?”
Youn girl raised on farm: “well, because they’re gonna turn into bacon!”
She talks so genuinely of the pigs as she pats and hugs them, truly loving her friends. But her parents social conditioning kicks in, as she laughs off how her friends will soon “turn into bacon”. How absolutely monstrous of us to twist a child’s natural love of animals.
With Vegan families in Invercargill like the Torringtons, across the ditch with the Vincents and around the world, we look forward to a vegan future. Thank you “Cowspiracy” team for allowing us to show your great movie, and thank you Invercargill Vegan Society members for a superb evening :-)