Invercargill Vegan Society members Jordan, Hannah and Dan rode the “Surf to City” 2015 funrun. Oreti Beach surf, to Queens Park city, it’s 12 kilometres of awesome! Over 3500 people joined in the fun(run) with over 200 each from dairy giant Fonterra and New Zealand Aluminium Smelter crews.
Slightly smaller, INVSOC Team Vegan had a great time :-)
Surf to City began with a cold 8 am start, revealing Deep Purple-esque mist on the New River estuary. By mid afternoon, we had nearly-cloudless blue skies and mid 20s temperatures.
We were joined by Green Party candidate Dave Kennedy for the gorgeous event on a lovely summers day.
INVSOC’s own YouTube star, Hannah Chloe really captured all the glory of “Surf to City 2015”. Check out the big nerd, all “…massive lithium polymer…” and all.
Hannah wasn’t the only media personality covering the funrun, a quadcopter lurked above the athletes and “Southern Exposures” DSLR camera snipers were spotted up aluminium ladders!
Photographers from the “Southland Times” were stationed near the beach entrance, and a cameraman came over to record our banner unfurling!
We even made the official Sport Southland video, briefly at 1m13 seconds :-) Featuring quadcopter video which looks just surreal, it’s incredibly well produced.
We were quite the mixture, Dan’s carbon equipped roadbike, a full suspension mountainbike:
and Dave’s awesome folding commuter bike! See also the white electric bike in the background.

Before the funrun, Dave, Dan and Hannah ready to roll :-)
Surf to City 2015 was PACKED with people, from the usual slow start walking our bikes over soft sand, it was a tight bunch the entire ride. This was livened up with kamikaze kids, zipping through the cyclists and occasionally crashing. Luckily nobody was seriously hurt, despite the three accidents we witnessed.
An intense Sandy Point start, we rode in a protective phalanx with Dave and Jordan finding a path through the clutter. Hannah and Dan covered our backs.
Thankfully things calmed by Invercargill Airport and the final ~6km was lovely and smooth. Our tyres appreciated ditching the coarse chipseal open higway roads for the soft city surface!
We crossed the Surf to City finish line with INVSOC Team Vegan in a line of solidarity for our animal friends.
What an event, with rides for the kids, prize giveaways and thousands of people in Queens Park. Among the food stalls, we visited vegan friendly Mevalana Kebabs for a falafel and Bento Sushi.
After riding ~24 kilometres, we chilled out with mosaic friends “Peace of Chicken” in the Queens Park playground.
Go INVSOC Team Vegan! “Surf to City” is always great fun, what better way to enjoy our gorgeous scenery? A huge thank you to Sports Southland for organising such an impressive event, and even arranging gorgeous weather :-)