World Vegan Day – 1st November 2012
As the southernmost Vegan organisation in the world, we’re proud to celebrate World Vegan Day 2012 this November.
For World Vegan Day 2011, the Invercargill Vegan Society planted a memorial tree in the Otepuni Gardens, symbolizing the growing respect for Other Animals worldwide AND in local public parks :-)
We had a potluck dinner together, and released an episode of “Coexisting With Nonhuman Animals” featuring Vegans from around the world sharing their animal friendly adventures.
For World Vegan Day 2012, INVSOC is taking it up a notch. We’re in the process of placing World Vegan Day posters around Invercargill, to promote Animal Rights.
On Sunday 28th of October, A0 and A3 size posters are going up around Invercargill.

We’ve already placed A3 posters around Invercargill:
The last two were not left in place, INVSOC does not condone blu-tacking easily blow-away-able scrap paper rubbish to public walls, but THESE posters will remain firmly in place outdoors! :-)
Thanks to Phantom Billstickers for helping us out, in particular Will, James, Lynne and local Invercargill agent Walter (PPK?)
I spoke with “Down To Earth with the Guytons” about World Vegan Day, which will be broadcast Monday.
Click to see more about my visit to Radio Southland with The Guytons
You can hear Jordan’s interview on “Down To Earth” here! Topics included are World Vegan Day, annoying Librarians with fireworks in the Library, burying TVP to promote Rhubarb growth and Chicken Friends. Not one but THREE songs are quickly sung around 22m40s, starting with conversation about gooseberries :-)
Jordan and Jen had some fun Vegan activism on World Vegan Day.
We visited the World Vegan Day 2011 INVSOC Memorial Tree in the Otepuni Gardens :-)
We gave out muffins on the street, “Hello, would you like a muffin? We’re sharing muffins for World Vegan Day” *points to poster behind us* “Do you know what a Vegan is?”
Almost everyone did, and a woman actually said she’d seen our posters up during the week and “OH, is today the 1st of November? I was going to do that!” (being vegan for World Vegan Day) :-)
We also had fun taking tofu and plant milk around local Non Vegan industries. We took Sanitarium Hotdogs and marinated tofu to a local butcher shop AND the Alliance Slaughterhouse chain headquarter building. Soy and Oatmilk to Dairy NZ and a local Sheep’s Milk factory.
You never know, the receptionists/butchers we spoke with might give Veganism a go! Vegan philosopher Tom Regan was a butcher before going Vegan , and Harold Brown was a “dairy” farmer :-)
You can hear Jen and Jordans World Vegan Day activism recounted here :-)
We also had a letter published in The Southland Times, an article written about us in The Southland Express and were mentioned during local radio station More FM’s morning news update, “happy World Vegan Day” :-)
Our World Vegan Day 2012 Dinner Event, similar to our monthly INVSOC potlucks, but on a larger scale, which featured many of our favourite recipes learnt over the past year!
Click to see photos and audio from our monthly INVSOC potlucks